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Domain 3: Instruction 

3a. Communicating with Students

3b. Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques 

3c. Engaging Students in Learning 

3d. Using Assessment in Instruction 

3e. Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness 

3a. Communicating with Students

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An image taken from a PowerPoint presentation that communicated to students what they had done so far, and what they had left to do. This presentation was paired with oral directions.

3b. Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques

In this lesson, I provided students with an open-ended question to which students were invited to share what they are grateful for. This discussion was followed by a scavenger hunt and the creation of a short phrase created by the findings in the scavenger hunt. 

3b. Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques &

3c. Engaging Students in Learning 

The lesson began with students being asked to share characteristics about the season of Fall including colors and behaviors of leaves. Following this discussion, students danced as leaves using the poem “Autumn Leaves” as a stimuli for movement. Additionally, after reading the poem as a class, paired movements with identified rhyming words, and manipulated the way we performed movement by incorporating levels and body parts. 

3d. Using Assessment in Instruction

These are two assessments from my edTPA unit plan I created to assess student understanding in acquisition of knowledge and concepts as well as preparedness for Upstanding Choreography.

To the left, a checklist included in my edTPA, was created to allow students to reflect on their application of the four elements of dance to each of the upstanding options, transitions, and preparedness for performance.

A concept map created to help students deepen knowledge & skills of the four elements of dance, contextual understanding between the upstanding options and movement, and artistic expression. 

edTPA Assessment 1.png

3e. Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness

Students were asked to identify the "action words" in the warm-up. In working to have students identify the three "action words," I needed to demonstrate flexibility and responsiveness in leading students to the answer. For example, the word starts with an 'A' and it is also a mathematical tool.

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