Danielson Framework
Domain 1: Planning and Preparation
In Domain 1, educators hold a deep understanding of content and pedagogy while also understanding and appreciating the value students bring to the classroom. The educator effectively sequences activities and exercises to ensure accessibility to all students. Learning activities, materials, and strategies align with standards, instructional goals, and assessments (Danielson, 2013).
Domain 2: The Classroom Environment
In Domain 2, teachers establish an environment for learning by demonstrating respect and rapport through positive interpersonal interactions, well-managed routines and procedures, clear and consistent expectations in conduct, and a safe physical environment that supports the learning purposes (Danielson, 2013).
Domain 3: Instruction
In Domain 3, educators engage students in meaningful learning with the goal of deepening students' understanding of content and contribution to a community of learners. Educators demonstrate fluidity and flexibility in teaching, shifting instruction as needed, effortlessly integrating ideas and concepts from other content areas. Their questions encourage student thinking and support meaning-making. Educators foster the unfolding of self-directed learners completely engaged in their learning
(Danielson, 2013).
Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities
In Domain 4, educators demonstrate their role as an educator outside of the classroom. Domain 4 consists of professional responsibilities such as self-reflection, student advocacy, participation in the community, professional growth, and interactions with students' families. Overall, domain 4 highlights teachers' contributions to the profession and supports their commitment to the enhancement of the field (Danielson, 2013).
Danielson, C. (2013). The framework for teaching: Evaluation instrument[PDF]. Princeton: The Danielson Group LLC.